Thursday, April 30, 2020

Vegan cup noodle from Korea

Several months ago, I read about vegan noodle “Shin Ramen (Shin Ramyeon/Shin Ramyun)” made by a food company Nongshim in Korea on the Internet but couldn’t find it until recently. At last, I found it the big supermarket MaxValu where I bought vegan custard pudding the other day. Shin Ramen is written as “辛ラーメン“ in Japanese, whose Chinese character “辛” means hot (taste). Its red cup seemed to imply how hot it was.

On the noodles, there were pieces of dried carrot, leek, shiitake mushroom, red pepper.

The soup powder also contained red pepper. I have never seen a color like this before with any other cup noodle soup powder. In addition to red pepper, the it contained vegetable extract, powdered miso, shiitake power, salt, etc.

I poured hot water up to the line in the cup and waited for three minutes. Then, it was ready.

The ramen was hotter than I expected! It was so hot that my tongue and the inside of my mouth were tingling as I ate it. The soup looked like this.

I even sweated and thought it was not recommendable for those who don’t like hot or spicy foods. But it can be loved by non-vegans as well if they are fond of pungently flavored food. Personally, I liked it very much and hope to find the instant ramen version of Shin Ramen that is available somewhere.

*I learned later that also non-vegan versions are sold in abroad. Here in Japan, only the vegan version is available.


  1. Great! But how can I choose the correct one (vegan noodle) among so many cup noodles?

    1. Thank you for your comment! There is a variety of ramen sold in Japan. Shin Ramen is a product confirmed to be vegan by a consumer who made an inquiry to the company. I hope an official vegan mark will be specified as soon as possible so that we can distinguish vegan products from others easily.

    2. Thank you. But I still don't know how to recognize it.... :<

    3. Sorry, now I understand what you mean. In other countries, non-vegan versions of Shin Ramen are also available, but I heard only the vegan version is sold in Japan. So, here you only have to look for a cup noodle with a big letter “辛“ on a red cup.


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